
크게 의심하면 크게 진보한다


about me

내 이야기

작성된 공감프로필이 없습니다.

Project & Activity

2012-09 ~ 2017-02

Plan International, Seoul, South Korea

-Translated and edited the country reports prepared for sponsors from English into Korean

2011-03 ~ 2012-03

World Friends Korea (Sponsored by KOICA), Nairobi and Garsen, Kenya

-Improved project tracking and reporting system for an NGO (specialising in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) and prepared project monitoring reports for donors including Korea International Cooperation Agency
-Produced an operation manual and communication materials for the NGO
-Organised Korean volunteers’ committee in Kenya and arranged workshops and seminars


2016-04 ~ 2016-07

The Analytics Edge, MITx, edX 졸업 Certificate in Data Analytics and Optimisation


2013-09 ~ 2014-10

London School of Economics 졸업 MSc in Media, Communication and Development

-The Hackers Bridge Scholarship, July 2013
-Dissertation (awarded Distinction): “what it costs to make Ourselves happy instant heroes”; critically examining social implications of simplification and gamification of humanitarian communication

2004-09 ~ 2008-07

Peking University, Beijing, China 졸업 BA in Marketing, Guanghua School of Management

-Merit-based scholarship, December 2007
-The Kwanjeong Scholarship, 2005-2008

Work Experience

2014-12 ~ 재직 중

Concentra Analytics UK

Product / Data visualisation designer

-Strengthen value propositions (commercial positioning and use cases) of dashboards
-Set design guidelines for dashboards and continuously improve usability and consistency
-Develop dashboard design and analytics specification required for each product module

2012-06 ~ 2013-09

The Nielsen Company

Advanced Analytics Consulting / Senior Consultant

Featured projects include:
London Olympics Sponsorship Marketing Evaluation Project, Samsung Electronics UK
-Provided strategic directives and tactical solutions in communication to maximise the effect of Olympics sponsorship investment
-Led the production of the slide deck showcasing methodology and the results of the project presented in the client’s internal global marketing conference
Media Effectiveness Measurement Project, Korea Tourism Office
-Measured ROI and contribution of each media vehicle in designated Asian countries to capture the impact of paid and earned media on visitors’ decision to travel to Korea
Marketing Mix Modeling Project, Nissan US and Japan
-Captured the effect of each marketing activity on sales and brand building, and offered the optimised proposition of marketing investment to maximise longer term ROI
Customer Segmentation, Procter & Gamble Korea
-Developed customer segmentation methodology based on historical purchase records
Delivered quarterly report and ad-hoc analysis

2010-10 ~ 2011-03

IBM Korea

IBM Sales Model Professional, Sales Resource Allocation Group

-Conducted sales productivity analysis and prepared reports for the executives
-Deployed and implemented global programs designed to optimise sales resource allocation

2008-10 ~ 2010-09

IBM Korea

Consultant, Strategy & Change Consulting Service, Global Business Services

Featured projects include:
Korea Smart Grid 2030 Roadmap Establishment Project, Ministry of Knowledge Economy
-Investigated overall trends in smart grid business and policies
-Benchmarked best practices of smart cities’ system in Amsterdam and Malaga
IT Convergence Industries Roadmap Establishment Project, Daegu RegionalInnovation Agency
-Analysed global trends in IT and its convergence with other industries including healthcare, robotics, and energy to devise a roadmap for creating industrial complex
Sales Capability Enhancement Project in China, Cosmetics & Toiletry Company
-Conducted a diagnosis of sales force and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) capabilities and established master plan for improvement
-Designed a customised Marketing Intelligence system for the client
Process Innovation Project, Media and Entertainment Company
-Analysed as-is work process and designed improved process for theater management
Consulting offerings and proposals development
-Customised global consulting initiatives and offerings for Korean market and clients
Developed proposals in various business issues including sustainable growth, process innovation, new business strategy

2008-08 ~ 2008-09

Arthur D. Little, Seoul, South Korea

Research Associate, Financial Service Group

New Business Development Strategy Project, Credit Card Company
-Investigated world leading financial companies’ cases in new product and service development and provided supporting data for the deliverables

2008-01 ~ 2008-06

Accenture, Seoul, South Korea

Research Associate, CRM Department

Handset Retail Empowerment Project in China, Global Electronics Company
-Analysed results from surveys and interviews and translated deliverables from Chinese to English and vice versa

Attitude & Ability

특별한 역량
Management consulting
Data Visualization


영어 비즈니스 작문이 가능해요.
중국어 비즈니스 작문이 가능해요.

Design Showcase


연결된 Behance 계정이 없습니다.


연결된 Dribbble 계정이 없습니다.

Tech Stack & Tool


Code Archive


연결된 GitHub 계정이 없습니다.


연결된 Bitbucket 계정이 없습니다.

기업문화 엿볼 때, 더팀스

