Siya Carla /
19. 08. 30. 오후 4:54
One cannot fight with the constant change creeping up in the world. It is wisely said that change is the only constant thing in the world. The world has seen so much evolution only because change brings trends that no one can deny. Even the IT industry has observed the plethora of opportunities derived by the evolution of technology. The new trends and technologies have uplifted the expectations of the users and businesses both. While the user is demanding more, businesses tend to shift their products and services that understand users needs and develop software applications accordingly.
How is software development company going to cater to evolution? What are the emerging trends that will shape the future of software development? We shall find out soon in this blog.
1. Artificial Intelligence
Elevated its presence with Pokémon Go game, Artificial Intelligence is now on every user's mind. It is with Artificial Intelligence, machines are programmed to perform human-like tasks easily without any human intervention. Isn't it great? Machines are built to lessen the manual labor humans are burdened with. With the integration of AI, this burden has been reduced and machines can do mind centric tasks easily. In software development, AI is infused to build smart software applications that can configure human behavior and perform activities easily without much assistance given by humans.
2. Internet of Things
In the world of being connected, IoT has played its part well and is planned by software development companies to be utilized in the development of software applications also. IoT infers the development of interconnected devices that are controlled by one device, the mobile phone. This eases the life of users as they can control all the smart devices easily without being in the vicinity of the devices. Software development is using IoT to enhance software applications by making it smarter and more reachable to users.
Fact Alert: PWC estimates that 90% of automobiles will be IoT infused by 2020. Also, as per the data found by Statista, there were around 23.14 billion devices in 2018 and the number will reach to 26.66 billion by 2019.
Source: Ciklum
3. Mobile Devices
There is no hiding that the increase in the use of mobile devices has opened the path of opportunities for many enterprises and businesses. The rise in the development of mobile-friendly websites and mobile-driven search is a clear indication that mobile is going to be the first preference of every enterprise and business that is looking to advance its game. Software development companies have been utilizing the power of mobile application applications that meets the need of users instantly and at their own time. Even personalized mobile applications are built to manage their needs as per their arrangements.
4. Cloud Computing
Cloud is one such trend that is seeing greater heights with each passing day. And why wouldn't it? With the rise in the quantities of data and information, the concern of its safety has made businesses take refugee in cloud computing. With cloud computing, software development companies are not able to develop applications which can store humongous data, resources, information and more easily. The future brings the installation of software applications without actually stored on the hardware. Everything will be cloud-based saving space for other uses.
5. Big Data
Another fiery trend, big data is responsible for managing user's data in the most efficient way. Many users are associated with businesses and enterprises. It is important for a business to collect their data and information and store them safely to avoid any loss, misuse of user's personal information. These data powers the future of any business as it is used to target audience as and when needed. Software is developed basis the data and information collected and analyzed by big data. This gives the shape to applications which is the exact need of the user in the current time.
6. Quantum Computing
A newer red which has taken a toll on bug organization is quantum computing. Google is the company which is behind the introduction of quantum computing and is researching the trend and its varied possibilities in business. If launched by 2020, quantum computing is going to be one of the best-launched trends as it is going to benefit big companies in building software application development services.
7. Security
Last to mention is the trend of a security. The growing users on software applications, their personal information, business data are all at threat if the security is not well placed. The increase in the development of the software applications needs security to be protected from an unknown virus, malware, hacking and more. The rise in development demands from a custom software development company to take effective security measures to prevent cyber attacks. This is an ongoing trend that will continue to evolve with time.
Wrapping, the growing trend will continue to evolve the software development process. There is no end to it as change is constant. The only paramount thing in the entire development lifecycle is the use of the latest trends in software applications. The use of trends ensures that the software applications are developed using the latest technologies meeting user expectations and promoting business growth simultaneously.